Research & Advisory

Research + Whitepapers

Snapshot of work involving competitive research that brought meaningful and actionable insights to clients, enabling them to take quicker and better decisions.

Our advisory services help you read the industry precisely. We equip you with data, insights, and ideas to validate, support and present your business case before you begin a time-consuming and expensive product development cycle.
SmartMoney (now Kubot)
Fintech | India
Project Image - Industry Report for Mutual Fund Distributor

Market research report

A forward-looking industry report, based on primary and secondary market research, for a mutual fund distributor attempting to carve out customers based in Tier 2 Indian cities. The report provided key insights and a way forward for the start-up to market its upcoming mobile app and website to prospective customers.
Leading Clothing Distributor​
Retail | India
Project Image - Retail to E-commerce Transition

Consulting whitepaper

Solution and approach in a whitepaper on how to make the transition from a leading clothing retail distributor (brick-and-mortar shop) to the latest e-commerce platform, based on a detailed analysis of the traditional clothing and e-commerce markets, key players, competition and technical gap analysis.
Swamy B.
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